Necro's unofficial PabloDraw builds
PabloDraw is an Ansi/Ascii text and RIPscrip vector graphic art editor/viewer with multi-user capabilities. The original source is available on GitHub
These unofficial builds are built against a more recent version of the mono library which have proven to be more stable and not suffering from memory leaks. They also contain minor fixes and improvements which are not (yet?) incorporated in the official source/builds.
changes vs official builds
- 2018-06-11: Increased zoom for Ansi & RIPscrip from 200 to 700%.
- 2018-06-13: Added autosave to PabloDraw.Console
- 2018-06-17: Rewrote autosave and added minimal logging (log4net)
- 2018-xx-xx: Console can now also be export textmode (ans, asc,...) to images
- 2018-xx-xx: VGA preview screen is now visible in viewmode (need to add option to enable/disable this)
- 2018-xx-xx: Preview screen is also zoomable (works partially)
- 2018-12-22: Right mouse button now erases when using brush mode
known issues
- Linux: copy keyboard shortcut does not work