ASCII Printer Project

What is the ASCII Printer Project?

The ASCII Printer is a travelling credit card receipt printer hacked for a higher purpose: the perigrinating printing of ASCII art.

I'm no ASCII Artist -- why do I care?

Take a selfie and watch yourself become asciified! Keep in mind tho, that hand-drawn art is frequently more enjoyable than software conversions

Wow this art looks cool? Does anyone still make this!

YES. TEXTMODE ART NEVER DIES! Check out these sites:

How can I make more art on my own!

Check out Pablodraw! And if you want to meet people and learn more, join the facebook group "Ansi, ascii artists, and bbs sysops worldwide!" People will teach you how to draw!

Where will the ASCII Printer be next

Latest selfie pictures: (live updates)

Check out all 0.3 Megapixel ASCII pictures on Flickr!

What if I need an actual credit card receipt printed?

Contact Donnie the manager and have him input the order number into the POS system, then select the appropriate station to print and select "customer" or "business" receipt. more thing. You said that when the works are in color they are called Ansi, but in black and white they are called ASCII. Why?

A mystery lost to the sands of time my friend.